The festering attic…

Imagine packing boxes up and putting them in the attic. While working, you’re snacking on bananas. One unintentionally falls into a box. The box is sealed and left stored in the attic.

And then what happens?

The banana starts to rot. Before you know it, it’s ruined the entire contents of the box. Eventually, that festering box will affect the other boxes as well.

And soon, the odors escape the attic and start wafting down to the rest of the house.

This is a snapshot of what happens with memories that contain negative components or that are stored in unhealthy ways in the brain and how it eventually affects the body.

…it’s useful to remember that whatever the persistent negative emotion, belief,
or behavior that has been bothering you, it’s not the cause of suffering – it’s the symptom.
The likely cause is the memory that’s pushing it.

– Francine Shapiro, PhD Getting Past Your Past

Reclaiming your space…

It may feel overwhelming to have to face the rotting mess. But together, we can unpack, clean out, and tidy up the boxes.

Through EMDR.

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) therapy aims to target memories that are in some way fueling negative emotions, thoughts, or behaviors.

We will identify the memories causing your symptoms and systematically work through them to activate your brain’s natural ability to heal and restore itself.

We provide your brain the opportunities to re-store those memories in a healthy manner.

The common result? Full – or at least partial – resolution of your negative emotions, thoughts, or behaviors. Your brain and body start working in harmony again. The attic and house are cleaned and ready for providing a space of peace for you.

It’s time to clean house! Reach out now for us to begin (772) 834-2148.