Individual Therapy: Adults and Teens

Let’s work together to get you relief from the symptoms that have been keeping you from thriving.

Tossing and turning – day and night

It’s hard to remember the last time you got a good, restful night of sleep. Either there’s too much to do, or you’re wide awake with the troubling thoughts of worry and anxiety that make it impossible to drift off into sleep.

Even if you manage to get a little rest, you wake up exhausted, irritable, and downhearted. Every little thing throws your day out off completely, and you can’t concentrate on tasks that used to be so simple.

Eating healthy and trying to keep up an appearance take so much effort, draining the small amount of energy you had for the day. Your self-esteem is at such a low point that you’re avoiding your favorite activities and people you love because you just want to crawl back into bed.

Some days, it’s a wonder you made it out of bed, to begin with, and it seems hopeless.

But it isn’t.

Individual therapy can help.

Individual therapy, also known as psychotherapy, talk therapy, and counseling, offers you a way to work one-on-one with a mental health therapist to identify your symptoms, discover any underlying issues preventing progress or relief, and equip you with practical, achievable steps to experiencing lasting changes.

Clients have started to feel better just from coming in for the Assessment and realizing that they’re on the path of hope, healing, and connection.

For Adults…

Adult individual therapy is right for you if you are 18 to 79 and struggle with any number of symptoms:

Having sleep difficulties or appetite issues? Plagued by worry, anxiety, panic, or hopelessness?

Perhaps your fuse is growing shorter and shorter – so that the little things really get to you

Or it could be that you’re having difficulty concentrating and getting things done or just know you want to be happy but can’t seem to overcome sadness and disappointment with life.

In therapy, you can overcome any of those issues and more. You’ll develop your strengths, build new coping skills, and gain an understanding of the roots of the issues to have a plan that will prevent or limit your symptoms from becoming unmanageable.

For Teens…

Teen individual therapy can also help you and your child, ages 12-17.

No doubt about it – our teens have more on their plates, and it’s tough. They’re trying to balance school, friends, social media, extracurricular activities, hormones, self-esteem. All while learning how to become a successful and productive future adult.

It’s a perfect breeding ground to develop: general and social anxiety, panic, relationship issues, inability to communicate effectively, academic difficulties, emotional ups and downs, and sleeping or eating disorders. And all of that stress can cause teens to be irritable, become disrespectful, less productive, and even get to the point where they don’t seem like the son or daughter you have known all these years…

Your therapist works with you and your child to help build self-esteem, effective anxiety and stress management tools, and emotional regulation skills.

You both will also improve understanding of the causes of issues and find ways to prevent or limit them from becoming unmanageable. Let’s get your teen back on track for connecting, finding a balance, and developing patterns of success.

Get comfortable in your own skin again.

Whatever your age, you can take back your life. You can experience peace, happiness, and joy in your life again.

All it takes is a phone call for a complimentary 15-minute consultation. If you’re a teen, your parent/guardian can make that call – and we can talk together.

No matter your age, we’ll talk through your experiences and discuss the next steps toward relief and feeling like yourself again.

Don’t waste any more time settling. Let’s get started today (772) 834-2148.